San Jose airport awarded $10 million for expansion

A woman with long brown hair wearing glasses.

Mineta San Jose International Airport has received a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration to renovate the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting building known as Fire Station 2.0.

“These types of infrastructure improvement projects provide a dual boost to our local economy—we provide jobs for construction workers today and build up our airport’s capacity into the future. Plus, this specific improvement project will ensure we keep both our firefighters and travelers safe,†Representative Zoe Lofgen said in a statement.

The $10 million will be used to build the new ARFF on the west side of the airport and make way for construction of a new terminal. Overaa Construction has been awarded the design-build contract for the new building, the San Jose Spotlight reports.

The grant is provided as part of the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program, which funds airport infrastructure projects.